A Word From Our Principal

We are  "Ready to ROAR"
at Turuturu School.


 As Principal I'm very proud to be able to share our school with you. We are a vibrant and  creative  school community situated on the northern tip of Hawera, Taranaki. We are committed to ensuring that all children in our care experience the very best learning possible.

2024 Charter

2023 School Charter

2023 ERO Report

We strive for children to be excited and interested in their learning and for our curriculum to be meaningful for children and our community.

We value, model and promote :      

Respect       Responsibility      ReAdiness       Resilience 

This is our 'ROAR' at Turuturu School.
It applies to kaimahi, tamariki, whanau and hapori. 

 We hold high expectations for student achievement and staff alike and our mahi is to ensure our students are knowledgeable and skilful and well.

Our recent ERO review highlights our success and progress accelerating the learning of all children.
Please read it here.

In 2024 we have an increased emphasis on staff developing their te reo and using it in our classrooms.

Please check out our 2024 Charter above for great details about the programs being put in place 2024.

We approach students believing that 'one size does not fit all' and aim to meet individual learning needs. This approach can be seen in all we do whether it is how we teach in classrooms, the opportunities children have to learn in a wide range of contexts, our regular celebrations of learning, strong remedial programmes for those needing targeted support, and teacher aides and learning assistant helping in our classrooms.  

As a community we value partnership.
At Turuturu School you can expect to find a warm welcome extended family like atmosphere.

Relationship Based Learning is key at Turuturu School

I am proud of our people who constantly challenge themselves to be the best they can be. They are professional, reflective and caring.  I know our efforts position Turuturu School as a modern teaching and learning environment  championing "Innovative Single Cell Environments", relationships, wellness and equity.


Richard Bradley
