Room 10 2024

Kia ora and welcome back to kura for 2024. We are a team of enthusiastic Year 3 learners with Mrs Danz. 

We have a fun year ahead of us, so please check back soon for an update on some of the awesome learning that we have been doing. 


Check back soon to see what we are getting up to for the last term of the year...

Term three

This term we learnt about the Olympics, competed in our school cross country and have been working hard to prepare for our production early next term.

Another great term of fun and learning in Room 10!

Term TWO

We had a wonderful term 2 learning within and outside the classroom. Our topic focus was native birds and their predators and we were lucky to spend a day out at Lake Rotokare as part of our learning.
We Jumped for June and focused on communicating with each other as we played games during PE.
E Minika Ana was the waiata we learnt and performed to the rest of the school with our assembly with Room 2.
We celebrated Puanga with a special shared breakfast in the classroom. 

Term one

We had a great start to the year getting to know each other. Our topics were swimming and art, alongside our usual subjects of reading, writing, maths and ROAR values.