Room 12

Kia Ora koutou, Ko Mrs Scholtz toku ingoa, I am the kaiako in Room 12 for 2025. 

Teaching a bunch of enthusiastic year 4 tamariki.


Term 4 is going to be a very busy term and we are looking forward to it!

We started off the term with our School Production "The Great Aotearoa History Show".
Our performance was fantastic and something that we will remember for many years!

Coming up we have our school athletics, gala, year 4 camp (we are so excited!),  not forgetting our thriving classroom learning and much more.
Check in to see what we get up to!

Lake ROtokare TRIP

As part of our term 2 inquiry learning, we learnt about pest and predators and how they affect our environment. We spent a day at Lake Rotokare and what they have done and what they keep doing to keep predator and pests out of the reserve.

Piwakawaka Art to reflect our learning about the birds at Lake Rotokare


Working together as a team and how we can use different strategies to get all our team to one side.

ROOM 12 

Class of 2024

Term one

This term will be filled with lots of exciting learning.

As it is that time of year with beautiful sunny weather, we will be doing lots of swimming in our school pool. We will be learning all the fundamental skills about keeping ourselves safe in the water, while learning correct swimming techniques of the different strokes and kicks. 

Our Art focus this term is based around Maori Artist. Learning about the different patterns and shapes used and the significance of colour.

Autumn Art - Blend paint colours together. Self Portrait using a photo to learn about facial detailing.

Tin foil embossed whanau art Taniwha's inspired by Robyn Kahukiwa