Room 2
Kia ora koutou, ko Jill Trigg toku ingoa a ko ahau te kaiako o te Ruma 2 i tenei tau.
Greetings all, my name is Jill Trigg and I'm the teacher of Room 2 this year.
Term 1
This term we will swim as much as we can in our school pool, learning all of those fundamental water safety skills which will help us to save ourselves if ever we got into difficulty in a pool, river or the sea. Students are also taught the correct techniques of the different strokes and kicks and given lots of opportunities to practice.
Reading: One hour of reading every day will see students learning about and practicing the skills and strategies needed to be come students who read to learn.
Writing: Term 1 usually has students writing about themselves and their summer holidays.
Maths: This presents a great opportunity to learn more about measurement and dive into addition and subtraction strategies. We also start exploring a new maths resource called Maths No Problem.
Art: There is always great excitement because we love learning more about this and showcasing our awesome talents. This year we are learning about surrealist self portraits and Cubism (Picasso and Dali). We will be doing some sculpture and adapting Hokusai's Great Wave picture to have a Taranaki influence which reflects our whenua and pepeha.
We will be making the most of the great summer weather to learn new games to play throughout the year, practicing the various active game skills that students will be taught, like keeping cool in stressful game situations and being a fair team player.