Room 6

Turuturu School

An enthusiastic class of Year 3 learners with Mrs Honeyfield


Swimming, ART, Relationship Building, Pests and Predators, Healthy Active Learning, Cross country, production

Welcome to Term 3

As well as a priority on Reading, Writing and Maths, we are training for cross country, learning about the Olympics and getting ready for our school production to be performed at the start of Term 4. We are even going to have our own Potato Olympics soon. We have been learning our timetables too. The excitement is building for the Olympics!

Welcome to Term 2

What a great term we've had so far. Our main focus has been learning about Pests and Predators and making tracking tunnels to see if there are pests in our school environment. We have just been on a trip to Lake Rotokare to learn more about the pest free sanctuary and see real predator traps and tracking tunnels. 

Learning about the predator fence before we enter the Pest Free Sanctuary.

Being Pest Detectives in the bush classroom. 

Ray, a volunteer, showing us a real tracking tunnel set around Lake Rotokare.

Some Highlights of Term 2

Making crowns to celebrate the King's Birthday

The tracking tunnels we made

Placing our tracking tunnels around the school grounds

Atarau was very proud to graduate from Reading Recovery.

George and Sophie were invited to our special ROAR morning tea for showing all of the school values.

These students received certificates in assembly for getting 5 Learning Tickets that represent the key competencies. 

Hāere mai! Welcome to Term 1

Kia ora koutou. This term has got off to a flying start as we are learning all about each other and ourselves. Swimming and Art are our main foci this term, as well as the usual Reading, Writing and Maths! Here are some pics of what we have been up to! 

We love swimming in our heated school pool

We are learning to do freestyle arms

We are practising our doggy paddle

Term  4 2023 - Production, Life Education, Beach Education, Athletics

Hāere mai! Welcome to Term 4

Another jam packed term of learning opportunities is in store for us. We start with our School Production in which we perform our dance, Pump Up the Jam, from the 1990s. We have Harold visiting from the Life Education Trust to further our learning about keeping our bodies healthy. Then the Year 4 students are going on a camp to Konini Lodge on Mount Taranaki. Later on in the term we have Beach Education at Opunake Beach plus a chance to show off our developing movement skills at the school Athletic Sports. Of course, we will doing some learning in the classroom too!

Term  3 2023 - Te Tinana & Puanga/Matariki

Te Tinana - Our Body

We have been learning the names of our bones and how our digestive system works. We watched a clip by Suzy Cato explaining what happens to baked beans when we eat them. It was fascinating but slightly gross too! Watch the video below. 

Puanga/Matariki Breakfast

We enjoyed a shared breakfast with our whanau to celebrate Puanga. We donated food and showed people around our classroom. We got to eat pancakes and waffles and fruit loops- things that we usually don't get to eat! We talked about Hiwa-i-te-rangi (the wishing star) and wrote wishes for the future. Ka pai!

Hāere mai! Welcome to Term 2

This term we're using the new David Walliams' book Robodog as the focus for a lot of our learning. Plus improving our relationships and using questioning to enhance our communication skills in games and in the classroom. It's going to be a blast! Here's a snapshot of what we've been up to in Room 6.


We are doing Reading Responders as we read Robodog. Here is some of our writing about whether a Robodog or Robocat would be better for the police force of Bedlam City. We used Canva to publish our work. 

We like doing Art in Room 6. It takes us days to finish our art but it is worth the effort!

We like to work together a team for lots of our learning. 

We like working together.

We do maths together.

We write stories together. 

We treat each other with Respect. 

Term 1  2023 - Swimming and ART

Welcome to Term 1! Welcome to another great year of learning and fun in Room 6!

Term 1  2022 - Swimming and ART

Rescuing with noodles

Lifeguards in action


We are lucky at school to swim in our heated pool. It is so warm! We learnt how to be safe in the water and used noodles to practise rescuing each other. 

We played lots of warm up games to get us moving in the water and working as a team, such as Stuck in the Mud. One of our favourite games was Captain's Coming. 

We all feel much more confident in the water now and have improved our swimming. 

We loved showing our art skills in Room 6!

All About Me Art

Landscape Watercolours

Holiday Selfies

Picasso Art

Term 4  2021

Term 4 has rolled around yet again! The days are a mixture of four seasons in one. We are getting out in the sun and enjoying athletics every Tuesday and Thursday. We were lucky enough to participate in bike safety and had a blast practicing hand signals, using roundabouts, give ways and mastering u turns. 

We have been using our bike safety as a writing motivation. Our math focus is currently measurement and we are honing in our comprehension skills during reading.

Term 3  2021

This term we will begin with some learning about shapes and their features as well as position and orientation. We will be focused on our personal fitness to prepare for our cross country later in the term. Our tamariki are preparing for a Marae visit in Week 2 as well practicing  for our 'It's not a production' show and dance. 

Term 2  2021

This  term! 

This term has started off with a hiss and a roar! We have been learning about keeping ourselves safe during our weekly Ready to Roar sessions. Currently we are learning about fractions in math and starting to become writing super stars with a focus on self and peer assessment. 

We are involved in weekly Discovery with our Year 2 and 3 buddies and have also been granted swimming lessons down at the local town pool for all Year 3's this term. This term our Inquiry unit is "Two Worlds Meet" as we focus on New Zealand history. Watch this space to see what we get up to.

Term 1 2021

Class of 2021

We are a bunch of happy eager Year 3 students!! We love having fun and learning. Enjoy our seeing learning journey throughout 2021.

Art Time

Creating magic with crepe paper

Creating different backgrounds for our Paul Klee inspired self portraits.

Weaving with using wool

We have had a go at weaving using paper plates and wool. Lots of over and under!!

Preparing our backgrounds

We used water and paper to create our colourful backgrounds.

First Aid

Justine from St John came and taught us about first aid. We discussed what key information we need to know when we ring 111. How to bandage up arm and leg. We loved being able to bandage up our buddies.


Discovery Time

Team Work

Working together to problem solve and make creations.

Term 4 2020

Wow, where has the year gone? This term we will be busy preparing for athletics and learning our class dance as part of our arts inquiry. Life Education will be coming to give us a visit during this term. Our ROAR focus is being an active problem solver.

Term 3 Fabulous Forces!!

This term we are inquiring into forces and how they work. We have had a go using trolley's to push each other and to see what techniques were best to make us go further and what surfaces worked best. We then looked at gravity and how you can make a toy car go further by creating ramps at different heights. Some heights worked well while others didn't.

At the end of our forces unit we we used our new knowledge about ramps, surfaces and pulleys to create our own marble mazes. We had a success criteria we had to follow and when we completed our mazes we showcased them to other classes.

Show don't tell!!!

We have been practicing using descriptive language to add more detail and make our writing more interesting to our audience. Below are some examples of us show don't tell scene writing.

Show don't tell-The beach

The sand burnt my feet like a volcano erupting. The waves were cool like a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining like a bright star. The clouds  were like white rabbit’s fur. I was sweating like a heatwave coming this way. The breeze was swishing the sand.

By Dylan

Show don't tell -Winter's Day 

It  was  wet and dark. They were wearing rain jackets. There were puddles and it was pouring down. The clouds were black as the road. They were saturated with water. The clouds started to  connect.                                                                                    

  By Ryan

Show don't tell -A Summer's Day

The sun is bright like joy. The water is cold like sadness. I can feel the summer breeze on my face. The golden sand is as it is hot like the sun. The clouds are moving fast like flash. The waves are going up like a hot air balloon. The sun is making the water sweat.

By Talia

Show don't tell-A Snowy Day

The road was white like ice. He felt the cold icy breeze on his cheeks. The snow was puffy like a marshmallow.

By Declan

Show Don 't Tell- The Beach

The waves were swirling up and down like a bumpy road. The sun was breezing down on the sand and he was sweating. He was looking at the shining sun boiling his feet like a jug. There were clouds by the sun and it was summer. It was hot like a volcano burning the sand. 

By Elias 

Show Don 't Tell-A Summer's Day 

The sand was hot like a sweating person. It was a beautiful day and the sea was  shining. The sun was bright like a lemon. The waves were nice and came.

By Lexi 

Maths Term 3

At the beginning of this term we have been learning about geometry. We have had fun learning the different 3D shapes then making them using play dough and toothpicks. As we built our shapes we had to problem solve as some were tricky to make.

For the rest of the term we will focus on mastering our 2, 5 and 10 times tables!!!

Term 2 and we are learning by distance!

This term we have dived into online distance learning. Fot the past 5 weeks we have meet up on Zoom several times a week to have class catch up and to go through our learning. We have done our learning through Seesaw and have used a range of learning times to practice our numeracy and literacy. Check out some of the learning we have been doing.

Learning together is fun!

In Room 6 we enjoy learning from one another. We have been working on playing games together and why it is important to play fair. For our learning games we have come up with rules like who starts first, what way the turns go and if we need to use a dice how to roll it sensibly.

We have had circle times about how to share and be fair, we all got to share our ideas. Our teachers made us some new Maths games and we have been having lots of fun learning how to play them.

Room 6 Water Rats!!

With the weather warmer in the Summer months we have been lucky enough to have swimming lessons in our school pool. We run through lots of swimming drills like getting into the pool safely, putting heads under the water, trying to touch the bottom and moving around the water without touching the ground. 

We practice our floating on our backs and tummies, some of us have a go at gliding while others learn to skull. To keep warm we make whirl pools then try to swim against the current. Sometimes the boys make waves on the outside of the pool and the girls try to get from one end to the other through the waves. Then we swap over, it is always lots of fun in pool.

Near the end of the swimming season we invite our parents along and they get to see all the water safe skills we have learnt throughout the term.

Cricket Time

This term we have had cricket lessons. Each fortnight we have been taught ways to catch and throw a cricket ball correctly. We have learnt the correct way to hold a bat and how to get a good swing on our bat white being safe.

We have enjoyed playing quick little games using the cricket ball where we work together as a team to try get our opponents out.

Green thumbs in Room 6

This term we have been lucky enough to go apple picking in our school orchard. We were able to take some apples home and we also made apple crumble to eat.

Later in the term we inherited a garden by the hall. Together we have been busy weeding it and getting ready to plant it. 

A kind family helped us to purchase plants for our garden. We have all had a turn planting the garden up, making sure it is weeded and watered. 

Class of 2020!!

Meet the Teachers!!

At the end of 2019 we were lucky enough to have a transition morning where we could meet our new class for 2020. 

We set up a couple of activities for our children to express themselves artistically and for us to get to know our students a little better. 

Here is one of our finished masterpieces. Check it out for yourselves in the corridor outside our classroom.

Term 4

Term 4 Update

This term term we have been lucky to enjoy the sunnier days. We completed our school athletics and have been learning about New Zealand's creation story and how compared it to other countries creations stories for inquiry. 


During Maths this term we have been focusing on learning additioning a subtraction problems using larger numbers(eg 54+26=). We know a range of strategies now to find the answer. These include adding the 1's and then 10's, number lines and tidy numbers. 


We learnt how to show responsibility in the water during a water safe lesson. Our favourite part was rescuing each other using a stick!

In our Ready to ROAR sessions we have been learning all about our emotions.

Term 3

Term 3 Update

The weather is definitely changing and we are spending more time in doors this term. We have been learning about shapes in maths and how to be descriptive in writing. As we read we are really thinking about understanding the text. When it is sunny we try get out for cross country training.


We were lucky to have the NED Mindset Mission come to school and do a concert about having a postive mindset. The children learnt the importance of using NED and the Yet strategy. Room 6 really enjoyed the show and were able to display their learning by writing letters back to NED to explain what they had learnt and how it relates to our Ready to Roar programme.


During Maths this term we have been focusing on learning our times tables. By the end of Year 3 we need to know our 2's, 5's and 10's. We are pretty good with our 10's and 2's and just need more practice with our 5 times tables.


Making use of the courts to practice our times tables.

Our favourite tunes to learn our times tables!

Term 2

Term Two Update

We have had a great term so far! Learning about fractions in maths and how to write paragraphs in writing. In the afternoons we have been doing lots of exciting hands on Inquiry activities. When the sun has been out we have been learning soccer drills and had a lovely lady teach us about how to play hockey too.

Have a look at what we have been up to this term.

Creating Bridges

As part of our Inquiry we looked into the design of different bridges around the world and decided to create our own. We used newspaper, string, card and sellotape to make our bridges with buddies. Our bridges had to hold a pound of butter. At first if they didn't work we showed resilience and tried again by altering our design.


This term for the past several weeks we have been lucky enough to learn soccer skills from our talented soccer coaches from America. We have learnt how to dribble, pass, strike, attack and defend.


Miss Gale loves teaching us different techniques during art. We made Autumn trees using our fingers, lego and shapes. For our assembly we made Roly-Poly birds from the famous book 'The Twits'. We enjoy art and its even more fun when we do it with our buddy class Room 11.

Worm Investigations

Mrs Honeyfield let us borrow her worms from her worm farm and we used magnified glass to look at their features. We then created scientific drawings and labelled our worms. 

Term 1   2019

Welcome to Room 6's web page. We are lively bunch of Year 3 students! Here is a little about what we have been up to so far this year at school.

Term 1 has been a busy term full of fun and learning in Room 6. Miss Gale and Mrs Honeyfield have really enjoyed getting to know our students this term.

Earlier on in the term when the weather was scorching hot we spent most afternoons out in our school pool. We did lots of practicing to float, glide and retrieve items from under the water. As the weather turned a little chilly we began learning cricket skills. Now we are experts at bowling, batting and fielding. 

Throughout the term we have created a range of art based on famous artists. During writing we jumped into the future and wrote what we thought Taranaki would be like in 2050! Voice activated pens and flying cars were very popular. We are becoming basic facts ninjas as we are learning how to quickly make 10,20 and 100 during math time. During reading we have been following the Daily Five programme and we love being able to use technology in the class to help us with our learning.

Our days have been full of learning with the odd dance and song to add to the mix! It has been a great term in Room 6!!!!

We performed Pump Up the Jam during our school production

Fun in the Life Education Trust truck with Harold

Year 4 camp at Dawson's Falls, Maunga Taranaki

We performed Pump Up the Jam during our school production

Fun in the Life Education Trust truck with Harold

Year 4 camp at Dawson's Falls, Maunga Taranaki